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Home > Remittance


We can offer express delivery service around the world, such as DHL or FedEx or TNT or UPS or EMS/Air Mail Another shipping director.


DHL Reference Shipping Fees.
1). You can offer your express delivery account for shipment, if you have no express account for shipping, we can offer our account in advance.
2). Use our referral account, referral charges (reference DHL, different countries has a different price.)
Shipping fees: (DHL reference)
Weight (kg) Price (USD $)
0.00KG-1.00KG US $ 60.00
1.00kg-2.00kg US $ 70.00
2.00kg-3.00 kg US $ 80.00
4.00kg-5.00kg US $ 90.00
5.00kg-6.00kg US $ 100.00
6.00kg-10.00kg US $ 120.00
10.00kg-20.00kg US $ 200.00

* The cost price is a reference to DHL. The details of the details, contact us.
* For the IC Chips order, total more than $ 10,000 in 5 kg, we can support free shipping from DHL/Fedex/UPS.


We can also offer EMS for shipment. It is cheaper that the delivery expresses, but the delivery time is longer than express. Generally will need 3 to 10 days for most of the country.
About EMS charges, contact us. EMS has another way the China Post (Air Mail), the price is cheaper, 0.5 kg = $ 122.00, delivery time more than 2 weeks.
Usually, we do not advise you to use EMS, we advise using DHL/FEDEX/TNT/UPS will be better, faster and safer for goods.

Another way of shipping

SF Express for Asia; Chang-Woo Special Air Line for Korea, Aramex for Middle East countries. Other more sent, contact us.
We can also send the goods to your header or other supplier so you can send goods together. Save the shipping rates to you or may more convenient for you.

Shipping Details
Shipping information, we need shipping information, including the name of the receiver company (or personal), recipient name, contact number, address and postcode. Keep that information to us so that we can organize the shippingfaster.
Delivery time
Delivery time will need 2 to 4 days for most countries around the world for DHL/UPS/FEDEX/TNT.
Duties and taxes
For international requests, all taxes, fees, TST, fees and additional fees must be customer responsibilities. Resulting the complexity of international transportation, we cannot provide any estimate and citation of these values, so contact the local customs stationWith any problem or doubt. In relation to the value stated in the package, we are happy to follow your wish, just feel free to contact us.
Feel free, contact us. Info@YIC-Electronics.com
We can do the best for you. Thank you so much, your support.