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Home > Manufacturers > Omron Automation & Safety
Omron Automation & Safety

Omron Automation & Safety

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Brand introduction

- Omron Electronics LLC is the US-based division of Omron Corporation's Automation & Safety business, a world-class manufacturer of industrial automation products with over 80 years of success.
We support machine builders and OEMs across the United States and Latin America with sensing and control technologies that help you deliver more capable and profitable machines in less time. We are dedicated to developing, manufacturing and supporting automation that improves the quality and efficiency of everything you make. Through collaboration with customers, we define objectives, identify problems and recommend/implement innovative solutions to help you achieve success. We strive to be your trusted partner in automation.

Product category

Circuit Protection(16 products)

RF/IF and RFID(230 products)

Optoelectronics(613 products)

Sensors, Transducers(16,090 products)

Connectors, Interconnects(221 products)

Switches(15,557 products)

Relays(3,732 products)

Tools(4 products)

Test and Measurement(1 products)

Static Control, ESD, Clean Room Products(35 products)

Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board)(719 products)

Optical Inspection Equipment(6 products)

Networking Solutions(5 products)

Motors, Solenoids, Driver Boards/Modules(2,754 products)

Memory Cards, Modules(4 products)

Line Protection, Distribution, Backups(9 products)

Industrial Controls(16,227 products)

Hardware, Fasteners, Accessories(3 products)

Cables, Wires - Management(1 products)

Cables, Wires(5 products)

Cable Assemblies(147 products)

Boxes, Enclosures, Racks(6 products)

Battery Products(3 products)

Audio Products(15 products)

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