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Home > News > U.S. CHIP Act Subsidizes Glass Substrate Maker Absolics with $75 Million, Grants $77 Million to Entegris

U.S. CHIP Act Subsidizes Glass Substrate Maker Absolics with $75 Million, Grants $77 Million to Entegris

In the final stretch of the Biden administration, Absolics has confirmed that it will receive $75 million in funding under the U.S. CHIPS Act to support the production of glass substrates for AI chiplet packaging.

Absolics, a subsidiary of South Korea's SKC, is constructing a 120,000-square-foot facility in Covington, Georgia, dedicated to developing advanced substrate technologies for semiconductors. These glass substrates aim to enhance the performance of cutting-edge chips used in AI, high-performance computing (HPC), and data centers by reducing power consumption and system complexity.

"With stable funding in place, we can proceed smoothly with our commercialization plans for glass substrates. We will continue driving R&D to maintain a technological edge with our glass substrate technology," an SKC spokesperson stated.

In addition, semiconductor equipment manufacturer Entegris has been awarded $77 million to establish a manufacturing center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, slated to begin initial commercial operations in 2025. The facility will initially focus on producing liquid filtration products and front-opening unified pods (FOUPs) for handling semiconductor wafers.

"We are thrilled to receive this significant funding to help bolster the U.S. semiconductor industry's infrastructure," said Bertrand Loy, President and CEO of Entegris. "This further expands our capacity to meet critical customer needs while contributing to the local economy in Colorado Springs."