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Home > News > Renesas to Partner with Honda to Develop SoC for Software-Defined Vehicles

Renesas to Partner with Honda to Develop SoC for Software-Defined Vehicles

Renesas recently announced a partnership with Honda to develop high-performance SoC chips for Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs). The new chip aims to deliver industry-leading AI performance of 2,000 TOPS and a world-class energy efficiency of 20 TOPS/W. It is slated for use in future models of Honda's new electric vehicle (EV) lineup, the "Honda 0 Series," with a particular focus on models launching in the late 2020s. The agreement was unveiled during Honda's press conference at CES 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada, on January 7.

To achieve Honda's vision for SDVs, Renesas and Honda have agreed to develop a high-performance SoC computing solution tailored for core ECU designs. Leveraging TSMC's cutting-edge 3nm automotive process technology, the SoC is designed to significantly reduce power consumption.

The chip combines Renesas' fifth-generation R-Car X5 SoC series with Honda's independently developed AI accelerator optimized for AI software. This integration is expected to deliver one of the industry’s best AI performances while maintaining high energy efficiency. The SoC’s chiplet solution will provide the AI performance required for advanced functionalities such as autonomous driving (AD), all while keeping power consumption low.

Chiplet technology enables the flexible creation of customized solutions and allows for future upgrades to enhance functionality and performance.