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Home > News > NVIDIA Officially Launches the RTX 5090 Graphics Card

NVIDIA Officially Launches the RTX 5090 Graphics Card

According to a report from IT Home, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang unveiled the next-generation RTX 5090 graphics card, based on the Blackwell architecture, during his keynote at CES 2025. The card features an astounding 92 billion transistors, delivers 3,352 TOPS of computational power, supports DLSS 4, and starts at a price of $1,999.

The RTX 5090 is built on the GB202 architecture and boasts 21,760 CUDA cores, making it the first GeForce GPU to surpass 20,000 cores. It is also the only model equipped with 512-bit, 32GB GDDR7 memory, with a power consumption of 575W—125W higher than the RTX 4090.