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Home > News > Infineon Merges Sensor and RF Businesses into a New SURF Division

Infineon Merges Sensor and RF Businesses into a New SURF Division

Infineon recently announced the merger of its existing sensor and radio frequency (RF) businesses into a new division called SURF (Sensor Unit and RF). This move aims to accelerate the company’s growth in the sensor field. The new division will be integrated into the Power & Sensor Systems (PSS) division, encompassing the former automotive and multi-market sensor and control businesses.

By combining its expertise in sensors and RF, Infineon strengthens its competitiveness and go-to-market strategy, leveraging cost and R&D synergies to accelerate innovation and create value for customers. This strategic initiative will tap into the enormous market potential of the sensor and RF industries, which is expected to exceed $20 billion by 2027. The new business division will take effect on January 1, 2025.