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Home > Manufacturers > Tamura

Brand introduction

- Established in 1951, Microtran Corporation manufactured high-quality, magnetic components for both commercial and military applications. Offshore facilities provided expanded manufacturing capabilities on an extremely cost-effective basis for large volume requirements. Modified catalog items and custom designs were available on special order to meet customers' exact requirements.
Tamura Corporation of America acquired Microtran's product line and customer base in 1994. Prior to this acquisition, Tamura had been a subcontractor for Microtran for at least ten years and had manufactured many of the products found in the Microtran catalog. Since the acquisition, Tamura has combined identical and similar products into one product bearing a dual marking of both the Tamura and Microtran part numbers. This "dual marking" has enabled Tamura to continue to supply customers whose drawings referenced only the Microtran part number.

Product category

Integrated Circuits (ICs)(7 products)

RF/IF and RFID(0 products)

Optoelectronics(4 products)

Sensors, Transducers(202 products)

Connectors, Interconnects(43 products)

Transformers(383 products)

Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board)(151 products)

Power Supplies - Board Mount(6 products)

Inductors, Coils, Chokes(216 products)

Filters(35 products)

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