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Home > Manufacturers > Laird Technologies - Antennas
Laird Technologies - Antennas

Laird Technologies - Antennas

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Brand introduction

An industry pioneer since the early 1990s, Laird Technologies - Antennas is the global leader in the design and manufacture of antennas for mobile devices, wireless data including WiMAX, WiFi, and WISP (Wireless Internet), two-way radio and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Laird Technologies - Antennas engineers have end-to-end system knowledge and employ advanced, proprietary design tools to bring novel designs to market with unmatched performance that adds value in every application, including industry-best antenna solutions for fixed and mobile clients, base stations, wireless backhaul, portable radios, telematics and many other applications.

Product category

Circuit Protection(1 products)

RF/IF and RFID(4,346 products)

Connectors, Interconnects(142 products)

Tools(2 products)

Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board)(32 products)

Line Protection, Distribution, Backups(1 products)

Hardware, Fasteners, Accessories(2 products)

Cables, Wires(15 products)

Cable Assemblies(612 products)

Boxes, Enclosures, Racks(3 products)

  • Boxes(397,920 products)

Filters(2 products)

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