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Home > Manufacturers > Knowles / Syfer
Knowles / Syfer

Knowles / Syfer

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Brand introduction

- Knowles Syfer (formerly Syfer Technology Limited) is a premier global manufacturer renowned for innovative application specific high-voltage, Hi-Q RF MLCCs and thru-hole/SMT EMI suppression filters. Our comprehensive product range includes; MLCCs include RF/Microwave/ultra-low ESR, high voltage to 12 k VDC, 250 VAC ratings, safety certified SMDs as well as space-grade parts. Our patented StackiCap™ is a unique capacitor assembly designed to achieve high capacitance and high voltage.
Syfer’s EMI filter lineup has SMD feed through capacitors rated to 3 A, SMD C and Pi filters rated to 20 A and X2Y® technology.
The broad Syfer AEC Q200 qualified family features both surface mount EMI filters and high-voltage MLCCs focused on the HEV and EV automotive market.
Worldwide manufacturing operations include a brand new facility in Suzhou, China, equipped with modern equipment to assure consistent, high quality products to meet the growing needs of our global markets.

Product category

Optoelectronics(0 products)

Capacitors(274,705 products)

Kits(4 products)

Development Boards, Kits, Programmers(0 products)

Filters(2,090 products)

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