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Home > Manufacturers > Cannon

Brand introduction

- ITT Interconnect Solutions, a division of ITT Corporation, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of highly engineered connector solutions. They operate on a global basis serving customers in the aerospace and defense, medical, oil & gas, transportation and industrial end markets. From the invention of rack-and-panel and D-subminiature to the latest fiber-optic, composite and miniaturized connectors, ITT Interconnect Solutions has been synonymous with innovation, reliability and quality for over 100 years. Today their powerful brands, Cannon, VEAM and BIW Connector Systems deliver solutions that enable the transfer of data, signal, and power in an increasingly connected world.

Product category

Integrated Circuits (ICs)(0 products)

RF/IF and RFID(11 products)

Connectors, Interconnects(117,598 products)

Tools(232 products)

Development Boards, Kits, Programmers(0 products)

Cables, Wires - Management(8 products)

Cable Assemblies(9,706 products)

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