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Home > Manufacturers > Amphenol Industrial
Amphenol Industrial

Amphenol Industrial

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Brand introduction

- Amphenol Industrial Operations, headquartered in a 675,000 square foot facility in Sidney, NY, provides a full range of high reliability connectors and interconnection systems specifically for the industrial markets including base stations, rail/mass transit, process control, automotive manufacturing, heavy equipment, and petrochemical/power generation.
Products include ruggedized-for-industry cylindrical, fiber optic, rectangular, and industrialized versions of Amphenol’s MIL-C-5015 cylindrical, MIL-C-26482 miniature cylindrical and GT reverse bayonet cylindrical connectors. It employs more than 1,400 people and is both ISO9001 and MIL-STD-790 certified. Amphenol Industrial Operations is a division of Amphenol Corporation, Wallingford, CT, which is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. Related product brands include: Amphenol, Amphenol Advanced Sensors (formerly GE Sensing), Amphenol Aerospace Operations, Amphenol Commercial Products, Amphenol FCI, Amphenol Pcd, Amphenol RF, Amphenol Sine Systems, Amphenol SV Microwave.

Product category

Connectors, Interconnects(109,055 products)

Tools(21 products)

Kits(1 products)

Fans, Thermal Management(1 products)

Cables, Wires - Management(62 products)

Cable Assemblies(1 products)

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